Monday, July 31, 2017

How to do phishing

Have you ever received emails saying that you have won a grand prize or an email claiming it’s something useful, such as a coupon to be used for a discount, a form to fill in to claim a tax rebate, or a piece of software to add security to your phone or computer ? 
Well that is what phishing is in real life.

Before creating a phishing site for your self lets have a look on what phishing is.

What is phishing ?

Phishing is the attempt to obtain financial or other confidential information from Internet users, typically by sending an email that appears it is from a legitimate organization such as financial institution, but contains a link to a fake website that replicates the real one.The phishing emails and the sites used for it will be designed very convincing so that its very hard to notice that its not the legitimate sours.

What are the types of phishing ?

  • Spear phishing

These are targeted attacks at a specific person to obtain their personal information such as log in details ,bank account details .The targeted attacks has a higher probability of success as the phishing mails will be customized for the target to convince them in to providing their details.

  • Clone phishing

These mails may claim to be a re-send of the original or an updated version to the original.The attachment or Link within the email is replaced with a malicious version and then sent from an email address spoofed to appear to come from the original sender.

    • Whaling
    In this king of phishing ,the gain will be very high as the targeted victims of these kind of phishing are wealthy people.If that target becomes a victim the attacker will gain a big phish.
    Hear the targets are carefully chosen as they will be having extra precautions to prevent the being victims. Normally the targeted crowd would be a CEO , CFO or senior executives of a company.

    Now as you have an idea about phishing techniques lets start creating our  phishing site ! 👀  ðŸ˜ˆ 😉 

    I will be demonstrating how to do phishing based on the site of using the XAMPP  . 

    How ever you can also use an public domain like a free hosting space and then share the link with the victim.
           eg :

    Step 1 Creating the Fishing files

    1.1. Go to the site

    • Right click ->View page source -> select all -> copy - > paste it in a note pad-> save it as in php file format.(The login file should be saved as index)

    1.2.If the codes are not formatted use an IDE to format the code
    1.3.Change the action in the index file .

    • You can search the word "action" in the code to locate it as it will be a hectic task to do it manually. 



    • Hear a new php file should be created as "validation" .This file will include the cods to extract the credentials received , write the credentials received in a text file and to redirect the browser to original log in page.
    • I have also changed the site by displaying the below message .(This is optional , I have done this to make it more convincing to the victim and to encourage to login to the site)

    • The code for this modification is as follows

    • These changers are done to convince and encourage the victim to input his credentials to the phishing site.

    1.4.Create the validation php file in the same location you saved the index file.

    • Include the below code in the validation.php file.

    1.5.Create a txt file to store the credentials.

    • Hear i have created a text file as credentials.txt to store the inputs of the victims. Save this in the same folder with the index and the validation file.

    Step 2 Using the XAMPP to host the site.

    2.1 Open XAMPPand click on Start Apache and Start mySQL

    2.2 Saving the fishing files in XAMPP

    • Open XAMPP and click on ” Explorer” to open the files of Xampp’s located on hard disk
    • Open the folder "htdocs" and create a file called "ikman"
    • Save all the phishing files in this folder eg :  " C:\xampp\htdocs\ikman "

    3.Creating the Phishing mail that will be sent .

    3.1 Create a fake email account3.2 Create a convincing email to be sent

    •  This should include the link that will be directing to our phishing site. Please refer to the below as a sample.

    😆  All the files related to this demonstration are saved in my GitHub account.You can access them by the below link.

    Now lets find out how to attract victims .

    • The mail should be convincing so that the victim will not suspect that the received email is a phishing mail.
    • Use the same color theme as the legitimate company that you are used to phishing.
    • Do social engineering to find out targets for the company you are using as phishing so that you have a better chance of succeeding. 
    • Provide a convincing reason for them to click on the link provided. 

    How to identify a phishing mail and be safe from them if received ?

    It is important for us to be logical and always alert when dealing with communication of any sort and the below tips will further help you to be safe and identify phishing emails.

    1. Link to a fake site :- The email will provide a link requesting the user to click on in order to direct the victim to gather his personal information
    2. The senders email address will not match the legitimate senders email address.
    3. The mail will require your personal details such as credit card number and account details.
    4. Email says that you have won a competition that you have not entered.
    5. Urgent action will be required :- Normally phishing mails require the receiver to act quickly in order to get details. The mail will have an urgent call for action.

    • Do not click on the links or download or open any attachments provided form unknown and suspicious senders.
    • Protect your computer with firewalls, spam filters and an antivirus guard.
    •  Allays be logical and be alert. 
    • Make sure you check thoroughly for the given tips above to make you self safe form being a phishing victim .
    • Update your web browser  

    I have included few email phishing samples for you to get an idea

    The below will give you a brief idea bout the scope of operation of phishing emails around us

    Sunday, July 30, 2017

    How to write a Email policy .

    In the business world, communication is key and they way you communicate can make or break the image of the company. Never the less it is also important to make these communication channels to be secure so that no harm will be done to tarnish the companies good name. 

    In this blog post I have provided you a sample on how to write an Email policy relating to an Issue Specific Information Security policy for a company. The reason why i have selected email is that currently email is one of the main communication channels that is chosen by companies to communicate official matters.

    Email Policy for ABC Company

    Disclaimer: This policy is created .for the ABC company and can be used by any person that uses the email service provided by the ABC company. No prior notice is required for the use of the policy. Suggestions are welcome to improve the policy and can be submitted to the Information security department for any ideas.

    1.      Overview
         The main purpose of this policy is to create an acceptable use of the ABC Companies email service and its other relating services. This policy will be maintained by the Information security department and will be revised every year. This policy will be made available to everyone and will be displayed as the first page once login to the emails. Any exceptions required will require prior approval by the stated parties in the policy.

    2.      Purpose of the policy

    Make sure that the ABC companies email system is used in a proper manner as well as to make the users aware of the ABC companies unaccepted and accepted usage rules of the email system. The minimized outlines of usage of electronic mail communication within the network of ABC company.
    3.      Scope of the policy

    The policy applies to ABC companies all members who are granted permission of the email service. This includes all the emails send with the use of the ABC companies email address. The policy applies to purpose of receiving and sending email via the ABC company service including network, hardware and software provided by the ABC company.

       3.1 Users are as follows.

    • Management
    • Employees
    • Stakeholders
    4.      Policy

    4.1.   Content of the email
    • The tone of the emails sent should be polite and professional. No usage of offensive material will be tolerated.
    • Usage of formal style for the format of the document should be referred.
    • Links to unauthorized materials should not be communicated via email.
    • Attachments of documents should be done with the approval of the manager as they might contain sensitive data.
    • Email signature should be attached to every email sent via the company email address.
    • The content of the emails of the ABC company should be secured as per the standards of the data protection.
    4.2.   Permitted Use
    • ABC company email system should only be used for business purposes only.
    • No personal usage of the system will be entertained.
    • All received emails should be checked for viruses.
    • Opening of attachments or links in the emails should be done in a secured environment and only after a virus scan.
    • No attachments should be saved in employee’s computers, if required should be approved by the respective mangers.
    • Usage of mobile devices to send emails using the company email services is only authorized to the higher management (Management staff above level 3 of the employee hierarchy)
    4.3.   Sending emails
    • ABC employees should use passwords as recommended by the company and they should be changed after 30 days.
    • No emails should be synchronized to be auto forwarding.
    • Emails sent and received will be monitored without any prior notice to the employees. 
    • Emails containing confidential data should be encrypted prior to sending.
    4.4.   Receiving of emails
    • All emails categorized as secret or above should be responded within 2 hours.
    • All emails received should be subjected to a virus scan prior to opening.
    5.      Policy Compliance
    5.1.   Monitoring and measurement

    The information security team will be looking in to verifying the compliance of this policy. This checks will be performed without prior notice. This checks will be done via internal and external audits, time to time walk through, and with the usage of business tools provided to them. After every inspection a feedback will be provided and actions will be taken accordingly.

    5.2.   Exceptions in the policy
    Any exceptions required should be approved by the higher management and the Information security team prior to exercising.

    5.3.   Act of non-compliance of policy

    Any employee monitored of not complying to the policy will be subjected to disciplinary hearing and will be terminated by the ABC Company.

    6.      Implementation

    6.1.   Expert and legal advice should be taken when considering data protection and privacy.
    6.2.   The policy will be made available to everyone.
    6.3.   The policy will be displayed as the first page once a user logs in to the email service of the              ABC company and will require to sign and acknowledge of the policy.
    6.4.   All employees should be trained and educated on the policy.
    6.5.   Policy will be revised every year by the Information Security team.

    7.      Standards relating to the policy

    7.1.   Data protection standard.

    8.      Revision History
    Date revised
    Responsible offices
    Approved by
    Approved Date
    Summary of change done
    Updated virus check

    Saturday, July 29, 2017

    Securing the Network

    In order to secure a network constant attention and updated knowledge on the area is required. More than that having best practices can help you to improve the security of your network. I would like recommend few best practices that you could follow prior to getting to know more technical ways to secure the network.

    Best practices in securing a network

    • Using strong passwords and changing them often.
    • perform backups and test the backup files on a regular basis.
    • Encrypt and use passwords to protect sensitive data.
    • Avoid using unnecessary services.
    • Use updates firewalls with proper configurations.
    • Use VPNs, antivirus software and content filtering to your network.

    How to mitigate Malware

    Malware basically consists of virus, Trojan horse and worms. These can cause harms to the network based on the level of security you have implemented. The primary means of mitigating malware is using Antivirus software. Antivirus software are widely developed security product.Antivirus guards can be installed in the computers and servers as well.Using an antivirus guard can help the users to keep the network free of malware.

    Friday, July 28, 2017

    IPsec Protocol

    IPsec protocol is a standard that is used in VPNs to secure the IP networks.IPsec protocol also protects and authenticates the IP packets that are sent from the source to the destination. The main functions of the IPsec protocol are as follows.
    • Authentication using Internet Key Exchange (IKE).
    • Integrity using hashing.
    • Confidentiality using encryption.
    • Secure key exchange using the Diffie-Helman algorithm. 

    The IPsec framework is very flexible so that the users can integrate it to new security technologies.To learn about how this framework can be aligned to different security functions and standards lets get to know about the IPsec framework.

    IPsec Framework

    The IPSec framework consists of 5 levels. They are IPsec protocol, confidentiality, integrity, authentication and Diffie-Helman.

    IPsec protocol 

    This consists of Authentication Header (AH) and Encapsulation security protocol (ESP) , hear either one or both can be used.In this layer the AH can be used to authenticate the Layer 3 packets and the ESP can be used to encrypt layer 3 packets.

    Confidentiality layer 

    This secures the confidentiality of the layer 3 packets. This layer consists of encryption standers such as Data encryption standards (DES), Triple DES (3DES), Advances encryption standards(AES), or the SEAL encryption standard.

    Integrity Layer 

    In this layer it makes sure that the data that is sent across and unchanged at using the hashing algorithm . This uses hashing algorithms such as the message-digest 5 (MD5) or Secure Hash algorithm (SHA)

    Authentication Layer

    This uses the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) to authenticate users as well as devices . For this it uses various methods such as user name passwords , bio-metrics, pre-shared keys (PSK), (RSA) Algorithm, and onetime passwords.


    Diffie-Helman is used in the framework to provide a public key exchange method among the two pears and to create a secret key. For this you can select from DH14,15,19,20,21.

    IPsec Implementation

    When dealing with the IPsec protocol you must be aware of the IPsec Security Association as this is considered as a fundamental concept of IPsec.  IPsec Security Association is a relationship among the two entities that communicates with each other. Hear the entities must describe how they will be using the security services to communicate securely. The pears must have the same SA to negotiate the Key to exchange it with each other. Below is an illustration of how the SA can be used.

    Thursday, July 27, 2017

    Firewall made simple

    The term firewall was initially taken from the concept of constructing walls to stop spreading of fire.

    This concept is used in networking to prevent unwanted traffic entering a certain area of network.

    Common properties of firewalls

    • Firewalls has an access control policy
    • Acts as the transit point between networks
    • Firewalls are resistant to attacks

    Common Types of Firewalls
    1. Statefull Firewall            :  Monitors the traffics state of connection (initiation , date transfer or    a termination of state)
    2. Packet filtering firewall  : The router filters the packets contents
    3. Proxy firewalls               : Filters information at the layers of 3, 4, 5 and 7 of the OSI model.

    Next generation firewalls

    Next generation firewalls are more advanced than the state full firewalls in various ways.
    They have a granular identification method with visibility and controls of behaviors in the applications. Next gen firewalls has a proactive protection against the threats of the internet. Policies could be enforced based on the device, user, role, threat profile or on the application type.


    Wednesday, July 26, 2017

    Virtual Private Network in simple language

    We all use internet in our day to day life and lets admit it we all love internet, but the big question is how safe is it? Using a VPN ( Virtual Private Network) might be the perfect solution for it. So lets get to know about VPN.

     Virtual Private Network is a network that is built on a public network and that is mainly the internet. just as the word itself says its

    Virtual   : provides a private connection directly to the website or another computer you want to connect to.

    Private  : All your online activity will be with you and the website that you visit.

    Network : It is generated on a separate network on VPN servers .

    A VPN makes sure that the private network is secured. This is provided by using encryption and other security mechanism to ensure that only the authorized users are able to access the network and that these data and not being intercepted.Virtual Private Networks uses virtual connections routed through the internet from the organization to the remote site.

    Benefits of using a VPN

    1) Security            :   VPNs provide the highest level of security available,  by using advanced                 encryption and  authentication protocols that protect data from unauthorized access.

    2) Scalability        : VPNs allow organizations to use the Internet, making it easy to add new users without adding significant infrastructure.

    3) Compatibility   : VPNs can be implemented across a wide variety of WAN link options including all the popular broadband technologies. Remote workers can take advantage of these high-speed connections to gain secure access to their corporate networks.

    4) Cost saving      : With the advent of cost-effective, high-bandwidth technologies, organizations can use VPNs to reduce their connectivity costs while  increasing remote connection bandwidth.

    Types of VPNs

    1) Remote access VPN

    2) Site to site VPN

    When talking about VPNs another common word that comes in to your mind is the IPsec Protocol , but do you realy know what it is ? If not lets get to know what IPsec Protocol is and its connectivity with a VPN.

    IPsec Protocol

    IPsec is a standers that defines how a VPN can be secured across IP networks. It protects as well as
    authenticates IP packets between the source and the destination.The main facilities it provides are as follows

    • Confidentiality
    • Integrity
    • Authentication
    • Secure key exchange ( Deffie helman algorithm)

    Tuesday, July 25, 2017

    WarGame - Bandit walk through level 0 - 10

    War game is a concept where you can train your mind and improve your knowledge on hacking as well as to learn and practice your knowledge on Linux commands.Mainly these include the concepts of capture the flag logic behind it.You can also improve your password cracking skills , pentesting skills and many more other hacking techniques. I have provided a walk through on a game called Bandit . Hear you can proceed from one level to another.

    Login to  , hear you will be able to select the war game you want to play.

    Select Bandit. In this war game there are 27 levels in which you have to complete one by one to proseed to the next level. Lets start with level zero.

    Level 0

    The goal of this level is for you to log into the game using SSH.Download Putty , we use putty as an SSH client on windows. Once done to connect to the host use the below details and login with the given credentials. 
    Host name :
    Port           : 2220

    Level 0 - 1

    After login in use the ls  command to view all the directories .
    Now you will find a readme file. You can read this by using the cat command.

    Level 1 - 2

    Login to level 1 using the above details .Now use again the ls command to find the - file and again use the cat command and get the password

    Level 2 - 3

    The password for the next level is stored in a file called "spaces in this filename". Use the cat command along with "" to get the password

    Level 3 - 4

    Password for the next level is stored in the file name inhere directory. You need to go in to the directory and check the directory by using the command ls -al  and get the password using the cat  command .

    Level 4 - 5

    The password for the next level is stored in the only human-readable file in the inhere directory. Tip: if your terminal is messed up, try the “reset” command.

    Level  5 - 6

    The password for the next level is stored in a file somewhere under the inhere directory and has all of the following properties:

    • * human-readable      * 1033 bytes in size  * not executable

      Use ls -l to view all the save items. Then use the find command with the required specifications.

    Level  6 - 7

    The password for the next level is stored somewhere on the server and has all of the following properties:
    • * owned by user bandit   * owned by group bandit6   * 33 bytes in size
    • Use the find command  with the above specifications

    • once you get the results use the cat  command to grab the password

    Level  7 - 8

    The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt next to the word millionth

    Next use the bellow command to get the password
     cat data.txt | grep millionth

    Level  8 - 9

    The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt and is the only line of text that occurs only once

    use the ls command to view the data.txt file. Next we need to find a unique line among many other details. For that use the below command and get the password.

    cat data.txt | sort | uniqu -u

    Level 9 - 10

    The password for the next level is stored in the file data.txt in one of the few human-readable strings, beginning with several ‘=’ characters.

    for this use the ls  command . Then use the below command to view the password.

    string data.txt | grep '='

    Test Images

    Below images  are being used for the   Hashtag Generator and Content Authenticator research .