Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Virtual Private Network in simple language

We all use internet in our day to day life and lets admit it we all love internet, but the big question is how safe is it? Using a VPN ( Virtual Private Network) might be the perfect solution for it. So lets get to know about VPN.

 Virtual Private Network is a network that is built on a public network and that is mainly the internet. just as the word itself says its

Virtual   : provides a private connection directly to the website or another computer you want to connect to.

Private  : All your online activity will be with you and the website that you visit.

Network : It is generated on a separate network on VPN servers .

A VPN makes sure that the private network is secured. This is provided by using encryption and other security mechanism to ensure that only the authorized users are able to access the network and that these data and not being intercepted.Virtual Private Networks uses virtual connections routed through the internet from the organization to the remote site.

Benefits of using a VPN

1) Security            :   VPNs provide the highest level of security available,  by using advanced                 encryption and  authentication protocols that protect data from unauthorized access.

2) Scalability        : VPNs allow organizations to use the Internet, making it easy to add new users without adding significant infrastructure.

3) Compatibility   : VPNs can be implemented across a wide variety of WAN link options including all the popular broadband technologies. Remote workers can take advantage of these high-speed connections to gain secure access to their corporate networks.

4) Cost saving      : With the advent of cost-effective, high-bandwidth technologies, organizations can use VPNs to reduce their connectivity costs while  increasing remote connection bandwidth.

Types of VPNs

1) Remote access VPN

2) Site to site VPN

When talking about VPNs another common word that comes in to your mind is the IPsec Protocol , but do you realy know what it is ? If not lets get to know what IPsec Protocol is and its connectivity with a VPN.

IPsec Protocol

IPsec is a standers that defines how a VPN can be secured across IP networks. It protects as well as
authenticates IP packets between the source and the destination.The main facilities it provides are as follows

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Authentication
  • Secure key exchange ( Deffie helman algorithm)

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