Wednesday, May 23, 2018

How to implement a web application that provides a RESTful API

 From this blog post lets get to know how to implement a resource server API
First lets get to know what and how this normally work. The below diagram will be able to give you a good idea .

If you want you can use existing authorization server like wso2 identity server. But I created authorization server and resource server both in a single api. There is an endpoint that you can call in order to retrieve the resources.
This is written using node.js. In order to run this on your computer you have to have node.js installed on your computer.

The sample code is uploaded to the Github and the link is mentioned below.

Run the application as follows

  1. Install and run nodejs application after you download the project,use terminal to go application folder
  2. Type npm install package.json
  3. Run the app using nodejs server.js or using nodemcu server.js
  4. Open web browser and goto http://localhost:3000

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Below images  are being used for the   Hashtag Generator and Content Authenticator research .