Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Key Logger for Widows , Linux and Mac

A key logger is a program that records your keystrokes, and this program saves them in a log file on your local computer.

Installing Simple Keylogger


To change visibility of the window set the #define in line 6 to visible or invisible.
Simply compile into an .exe, and then run. Visual Studio is good for this.
  • invisible  makes the window of the logger disappear, and it also starts up hidden from view. Note that it is still visible in the task manager.
  • Visible  is visible, and the window does not close when typing. Great for testing it out.
Both of these save the keystrokes to a .txt file when closed.


This is a little more complicated. Please note, it does not work for secure areas such as password inputs. I have not found a work around yet.


Download the repo. It will install in  /usr/local/bin/keylogger.
Install it:
$ git clone && cd keylogger
$ make && make install
It will log to /var/log/keystroke.log. This may require root access, but you can change that if you want. Set where you want it to log:
$ keylogger ~/logfile.txt
Want to make it start on system startup?
$ sudo make startup
 That will run it on startup.


$ sudo make uninstall
Will uninstall the program, but not the logs.

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