Thursday, October 19, 2017

Linux Basics - Directory and File Commands

Before moving to commands related to files and directory manipulation commands, it is important to understand the structure of the file system in Linux.

Unlike in Windows file system where you can find separate partitions like C:/, Linux has a root directory denoted by /. root directory is the beginning of the Linux file system.
Root directory contains sub directories and files.

No 01 :-   ls

The ls command - the list command - functions in the Linux terminal to show all of the major directories filed under a given file system. For example, the command:


No 02 :- cd

The cd command - change directory - will allow the user to change between file directories. As the name command name suggest, you would use the cd command to circulate between two different directories.

No 03:- mv

The mv command - move - allows a user to move a file to another folder or directory. Just like dragging a file located on a PC desktop to a folder stored within the "Documents" folder, the mv command functions in the same manner.

No 04:- man

The man command - the manual command - is used to show the manual of the inputted command. Just like a film on the nature of film, the man command is the meta command of the Linux CLI.

No 05 :- mkdir

The mkdir - make directory - command allows the user to make a new directory. Just like making a new directory within a PC or Mac desktop environment, the mkdir command makes new directories in a Linux environment.

No 06:- rmdir

The rmdir - remove directory - command allows the user to remove an existing command using the Linux CLI.


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